November 22, 2016

Appearances and the Ascension

By: Anthony Mathenia Topics: Uncategorized Scripture: Luke 24:36

Appearances and the Ascension (Luke 24:36ff)
Sermon Link

I. Appearances of Jesus (vv36-49)

A. Proclaiming Peace (vv36-43)—Though the disciples longed to see the resurrected Christ, they were startled and frightened at His appearance because of their unbelief. The news of the Lord being alive seemed too good to be true! Though they had scattered and left their Lord to die alone, Christ doesn’t come with a sharp rebuke. Instead, He appears to them with the most gracious message on His lips: “Peace be to you.” In the heart of Christ there is an infinite willingness to put away transgressions.

B. Preaching & Proselytizing (vv44-48)—Even Christ Himself points to the Bible for the evidence that He is who He says He is. Though the disciples were standing face to face with Him, Jesus reminds them that the Scriptures are the final word, and by His Spirit He opens their minds to understand what the Scriptures reveal about Him. And not only are they themselves to understand and embrace Christ resurrected from the dead according to the Scriptures, but they and all of Christ’s disciples are commanded to proclaim the necessity of repentance for the forgiveness of sins to all nations.

C. Power Promised (v49)—As important as the historical basis of the proclamation of the gospel is, the Kingdom of Christ will not be advanced simply by reciting historical facts about Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. There must be empowerment by the Holy Spirit, which Luke’s second volume (Acts) will display more fully.

– If you were in the disciples’ position, having just forsaken the Lord and leaving Him to die alone, how would you expect Jesus to treat you at His appearance? Would you expect Him to have come with words of peace? Why or why not? What does this reveal about Jesus’ person and work? What confidence does it give sinners like us?

II. Ascension of Jesus (vv50-53)

The disciples have been told and appear to understand at this point that it is better for Jesus to leave them than it is for Him to stay (John 14:12; 16:7). In taking His seat at the right hand of the Father, so also begins His merciful role as our Advocate, His gracious work as our Intercessor, and His loving service as our Keeper. As J.C. Ryle said, “The secret of the perseverance of the saints is Christ’s appearance for them in heaven.”

With the ascension, Luke’s account of the fascinating life of Jesus Christ ends on a positive note of definite joy. Though the disciples were few in number, though they had a record of faithlessness and weakness, though they were living in an angry world, they were not cast down, but filled with great joy. Christ had opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, and for the first time they understood Christ’s humiliation, His agony, the meaning of the cross, and the resurrection. This new understanding resulted in the removal of all doubts and led to rejoicing in worship and praise.

– Where joy is small and worship is dull, it is likely because there is a lack of clarity with regard to the gospel. How are you seeking to grow in your understanding of and delight in the gospel? Are you daily stirring up your heart to joyful remembrance of all that Christ has done for you and all that He continues to do at the right hand of the Father?