May 18, 2021

Be Coming to Christ

By: Anthony Mathenia Topics: Uncategorized

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The Living Stone (vv4-5)

Comparing Christ is an odd analogy given that stones are inert, static, and lack the ability to move. They are not alive and no vitality flows through them. Yet, Peter commands us to be coming to Christ. Even though, he notes, that Christ is being rejected by sinful mankind, He is choice and precious in the God the Father’s sight. It is the high esteem of Christ from the Father that should move sinners to come to Christ. 

Peter continues the wooing to Christ in verse 5 as he points out that even we are choice and precious in God’s sight. Christ is a living stone and all who are united to Him by faith are living stones as well. And not just stones scattered, or even merely piled up together, but living stones being built into a spiritual house with the divine purpose of offering sacrifices to God.

The life of Christ vivifies each christian for the offering of ourselves to God (Romans 12:1), for the giving of gifts for the spreading of the gospel (Philippians 4:18), for offering praise (Hebrews 13:15), for the doing good towards others, and the sharing of our possessions (Hebrews 13:16). All that we do as christians should be a spiritual sacrifice to God. This is possible as Christ makes our efforts acceptable to Him.

The Corner Stone (vv6-7)

Jesus Christ is the promised corner stone. He is not the foundation as much as He is the foundation of the foundation. He is the stone that is laid lower than all the rest. Being in the lowest position He upholds all things as He bears the weight of the entire Church. The Apostle Paul helps us understand this when he writes that we are “fellow citizens with the saints, and are of God’s household, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit.” (Ephesians 2:19ff)

The Stumbling Stone (v8)

Those who are disobedient to the command of God are doomed to destruction. By rejecting Christ, they will miss the Kingdom of God. This is the unavoidable and inevitable conclusion for all who ultimately refuse Christ. God has decreed that all who do not believe will stumble and fall. Peter references the sovereignty of God as a comfort for believers. It is a divine comfort that even the evil in the world is not outside of God’s control.

Christ is not just the rock solid foundation of our faith, but He is living. He does not merely provide the structure required for our dependence on Him as our all in all, but there is life in Him that proceeds from Him affecting every other stone that is laid in this “spiritual house”. 

The life of Christ pervades and animates the entirety of the household of God so that in our coming to Him, we too, have His life in us. 

Are you being built by Christ, on Christ, into His church? 

If you are not, then you will stumble over Him. 

There is no neutrality with Christ! 

Christ is choice and precious, but not like a museum gem to only admire.

Believing that He is precious is evidenced by hoping in Him, living to Him, praising Him, and loving Him.