January 05, 2016

Reinforcing Foundations: Bible

By: Anthony Mathenia Topics: Uncategorized Scripture: Psalm 19

Reinforcing Foundations: Bible (Psalm 19)
Sermon Link

One of the unquestionable foundations of the Christian life is the seeking of the Lord in the Bible. Whether you are a church member, a regular attender, a seeker or inquirer of the Faith, a child, a disinterested bystander, or just neglectful, giving greater attention to God’s Word and its application in your life will profit you. In Psalm 19, there are three revelations by God: the revealing of His works, the revealing of HIs Word, and the revealing of our sin.

The revealing of His Works (Verses 1-6)

The heavens and their expanse tell of His glory as they evidence His existence and power, and give proof of His magnificence and majesty. With the aided revelation of the vastness of the universe through technological advances in science, astronomy, and physics, His glory is even more evident today than when David penned these words. Creation’s declaration of His glory is continuous, day after day, and it is abundant, pouring forth speech. It is also universal, through all the earth and to the end of the world. God is so clear in what He is saying through creation that no words, voice, or speech are necessary. Every morning as the sun comes screaming over the horizon out of the darkest part of the night there is a pronounced proclamation, “I am here and I am glorious.” As the sun rises from one end of the heavens and travels to the other side of the globe, the entirety of the earth is affected by God’s creative work. When He speaks, none are excluded from the sound of His voice. The kindness of God is remarkable in the way that He communicates His power so clearly and completely to us through creation. He is unceasingly declaring His glory to us.

– What are some of the things in creation that amaze you most? What most fascinates you in science, astronomy, or physics? What do those things communicate regarding the glory of God?

The Revealing of His Word (verses 7-10)

In the same way that no creature can escape the effects of the Sun’s heat, none of us can escape the all-seeing eye of the Lord (Hebrews 4:13). This all-seeing God is the author of the perfect Word. The Law is perfect, because it is the doctrine and teaching of the Lord. It restores or makes up what is lacking in our souls. The testimony of the Lord in His Word removes doubt and uncertainty, granting the knowledge needed to do what is pleasing in His sight. His precepts are right and they promote gladness and happiness in the heart when they are obeyed. His commandments are pure and clear, showing us how we are to live as His rescued and redeemed people in response to His love. The fear of the Lord, the desire to worship and please Him, is uncontaminated or polluted and endures forever because of the work that has been accomplished. As we observe the judgments of the Lord, with eyes to see and hearts willing to obey, we learn righteousness. The inherent qualities of the Law of the Lord make it supremely desirable and sweet to us because they reveal Christ, point to Christ, and explain Christ!

– What aspects of God’s character assure you even more of the perfection, usefulness, and trustworthiness of His Word? For example, how does the fact that God knows all things give us greater confidence in the perfection of His Law and testimonies? What about His purity, power, eternality, goodness, love, holiness, etc.?

The Revealing of our Sin (verses 11-14)

As God is revealed, the Word acts as a mirror and makes our sin clearer to us. As the light of God’s Word shines into the recesses of our hearts it exposes sin, not that we would be ruled by shame, guilt, and condemnation, but that we might repent and be cleansed of it. In the midst of His righteousness revealed in the Scriptures, our own unrighteousness is magnified and made as apparent as the noonday Sun. As sin is revealed in the heart of the believer, holiness is also promoted in our lives. The Psalmists response to the revelation of God’s works, God’s Word, and his own errors and hidden faults is to seek to be acquitted and kept back from sin; for God to discharge his penalty and prevent or prohibit him from sinning. He longs for God to allow sin to have no rule or reign within him. He asks God to cause his words and thoughts to be acceptable, in keeping with God’s character and honor as his Rock and Redeemer. Only through the Scriptures can we know God and see our sin in this way. Only through His Word is the way of redemption revealed (Romans 10:17).

– Do you find that the Scriptures reveal your sin as a mirror in light of God’s character? Are you careful to take the time to consider what the Bible teaches you about who God is and what He is like, and what that means for you? As we enter into the New Year, what are some practical steps you can take to make reading, studying, memorizing, and meditating on the Scriptures a more primary part of your life?

Christ Church—Radford