August 30, 2016

The Criteria of Faithful Ministry

By: Anthony Mathenia Topics: Uncategorized Scripture: 2 Corinthians 6:1-13

The Criteria of Faithful Ministry (2 Corinthians 6:1-13)
Sermon Link

I. In Anything and Everything (verses 1-4a)

As those who are on earth in the period between the first and second comings of Christ, we live in the acceptable time in which God is accepting repentant sinners and is reconciling them to Himself through the saving work of Jesus Christ. Paul says that “God is now declaring to men that all people everywhere should repent” (Acts 17:30). Though the day of wrath is coming, today is the day of salvation! Knowing the urgency of the age and the importance of the ministry of the gospel, Paul would not do anything to discredit his ministry, but instead he would do everything to beautify and promote the gospel.

– Is there anything in your life that could possibly discredit your ministry as an ambassador of Christ? Are you doing everything you can to beautify and promote the gospel? In what aspects do you need to seek the Lord’s grace for growth in these areas?

II. Paul’s Credentials (verses 4-10)

Paul was a servant of Christ that had experienced great and many trials (2 Corinthians 4:8, 11:23ff). Expressing both his afflictions in general and his specific trials, Paul shows that he endured all of it for the sake of the gospel. Paul’s credentials also include the graces that he exhibited, which God had worked in him through His Holy Spirit.

Paul’s criteria was very different from those that were accusing him in his day. The false teachers seem to have had an understanding of the gospel similar to that of the “Health, Wealth, and Prosperity Gospel” of our own day, claiming that the true minister of Christ would not suffer. Yet Paul knew that God’s power is most manifested in our weakness and that suffering was a part of the ministry the Lord had given him. While the world viewed his life from a horizontal perspective, seeing only his weakness and suffering, Paul points us to the vertical understanding of his life, seeing his life and ministry from a heavenly, divine perspective by numerous spiritual paradoxes.

-Can you identify areas in Paul’s ministry listed in vv. 4-10 that were also characteristic of Jesus’ ministry? What are the ways you are commending yourself as a servant of God?

III. Paul’s Call to Reciprocate His Love and Affection (verses 11-13)

Paul loved the Corinthians as demonstrated by his tireless and persistent labor and his willingness to suffer for them. Paul opened up his heart to the Corinthians but they were not reciprocating their love to him. Paul, therefore, exhorted the church to respond to him with the same type of love and affection: “Now in like exchange—I speak as to children—open wide to us also.”

-Do you express love to the body of Christ by participating in fellowship and ministry? Are you praying for and making efforts to minister to people who linger on the fringes of the body and fellowship? Where in your own life can you be more involved in mutual care of the body at Christ Church?